The SolidExperts Blog

HOW to Make 2017 Your Best & Most Efficient Year Yet By Discovering Your WHY!

Written by The SolidExperts Marketing | Jan 12, 2017 8:13:17 PM

It’s that time of year again, have you made all of your new year resolutions? I made the “usual” ones – be healthier and become more efficient at work… you know, the ones I make every year and then forget about around March.

But, while I was thinking about what my resolutions would be for 2017, I thought back to past resolutions that I never followed through with. The problem I found with my “usual” resolutions were that they lacked a specific reason WHY. Why should I care enough to follow through?  What will I get out of it? “Be healthier” just to be healthier is a great goal but lacked staying power. So this year I changed my intention, I am going to be healthier BECAUSE I want to be around to enjoy my children and even their children’s lives.  Having this mindset framed my goals in a different way and provided the WHY I needed to stay focused on my goal.

My other goal for 2017 is to become more efficient at work, but it took me some thinking to figure out what my WHY was for this goal.  To knock some of the tasks off my exceedingly long “to-do” list?  Yeah, that was a good reason, but what else? … Because I want my boss to notice my new-found efficiencies and give me a raise. (I mean, who doesn’t want a raise?) This is my WHY.  I want to be more efficient at work and in order to achieve this goal I plan take at least two SOLIDWORKS training courses this year.  I use SOLIDWORKS every day, therefore I should strive to be the best SOLIDWORKS user and engineer that I can be.  And being better at my job will make my boss’ life easier…hello, raise!

If you are interested in increasing your efficiency this year, sharpening your SOLIDWORKS skills, and increasing your productivity, be sure to check out our upcoming training courses. All courses are led by our industry-experienced instructors who will teach you how to leverage SOLIDWORKS technology to your everyday advantage and help you shrink that learning curve.

The SolidExperts has tons of classes coming up this year from SOLIDWORKS Essentials to Simulation Professional courses.  Training courses take place throughout Florida in Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville, and Melbourne.

Don’t see a specific course or your location? Feel free to contact us and we can see if we can set something up or find the best solution to fit your needs.

Here’s to a healthier, more efficient, and more lucrative 2017!